The Benefits of Greek Coffee

The Benefits of Greek Coffee

Coffee is an integral part of our lives and even more so Greek coffee! Whether it’s childhood memories, with our parents and grandparents, brewing Greek coffee that would fragrance the house or the pleasure it gives us in its most modern versions. In addition to excellent taste this coffee offers much more. We have gathered the main features and benefits of Greek coffee and we present them to you.

The history of Greek coffee

The coffee journey begins in South Africa when a shepherd’s goats tasted the seeds of an exotic, until then unknown plant. The shepherd noticed that after consuming the seeds, his goats became more active which piqued his curiosity and he decided to do tests as well which marked the beginning of the interaction of man with coffee. Crossing the Middle East and passing through Turkey and our country, coffee was first adopted by the inhabitants of Northern Greece and then spread throughout the country.

The characteristics and advantages of Greek coffee

Greek coffee differs from any other coffee in the way it is prepared because it boils together with water instead of being just covered with boiled water as is the case with other coffees. This small detail of Greek coffee makes a huge difference and it has, as a result, many and significant benefits.

Boiled coffee separates the dregs more easily and so from Greek coffee you get only the nutrients, i.e. antioxidants and caffeine. The benefits of Greek coffee at this level are proven considering that 1 cup of Greek coffee contains 40mg of caffeine, while espresso contains 75mg of caffeine, cappuccino 100mg of caffeine, and filter 100-160mg of caffeine. If one calculates (, this means that one can consume a larger amount of Greek coffee without any problems compared to other coffees.

This element becomes even more important since due to its mild stimulant action, caffeine can contribute to our physical and mental stimulation, increasing our energy levels as well as our concentration, and reducing the risk of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson. According to EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) 70mg of caffeine, a double Greek that is, increases reflexes, concentration, and sharpens memory while 75mg of caffeine contributes to increased attention and alertness in stressful situations.

Οφέλη Ελληνικού Καφέ


The benefits of Greek coffee for our health

Let’s see more specifically what benefits Greek coffee has on our health and the benefits that are exclusively related to the consumption of this type of coffee that far outweighs the rest.

  1. Its antioxidant action: The high content of Greek coffee in antioxidants (a double Greek contains 90-130mg antioxidants), creates a shield that protects our cells from premature aging that is caused by stress, environmental pollution, and ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Its anti-cancer effect: The benefits of Greek coffee extend to this area too as Greek coffee is rich in polyphenols, chlorogenic and caffeic acid, theophylline, and theobromine which have a strong effect against esophageal cancer, oral cavity, and its pharynx. Chlorogenic acid also improves inflammation, blood sugar, cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.
  3. Improving cardiovascular health: According to the IKARIA study conducted by the First University Cardiology Clinic in residents of the homonymous island in 2011 , daily consumption of 1-2 cups of Greek coffee a day reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease as it improves endothelial and vascular health. At the same time, it helps reduce LDL-bad cholesterol. In a nutshell, consuming Greek coffee is associated with a lower risk of developing a myocardial infarction.
  4. Its contribution to the diet: Greek coffee on its own, without the addition of sugar or other sweeteners, has almost zero calories since a cup of coffee yields only 1 calorie. The benefits of Greek coffee in this area are also magnified since the ingredients of its grains are poor in carbohydrates and fats while roasting these ingredients are converted into compounds that do not yield calories. In addition, many of them remain in the sediment of Greek coffee so they are not even consumed. Greek coffee, even plain, has a rich taste and pleasant texture while its traditional preparation usually prevents the use of any additional elements, such as whipped cream and syrup which dramatically increase the calories of the drink.
  5. Its digestive action: Greek coffee has benefits that are also related to our metabolism since we can activate it and digest it better after a meal by drinking coffee. Greek coffee is suitable for consumption without added sugar and/or milk due to its rich taste. While the caffeine it contains increases the motility of the intestine and the speed of passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract and accelerating the process of digestion.

Extra tip: Add cardamom: The benefits of Greek coffee can be multiplied if we add a little cardamom to it. Cardamom contains powerful antioxidants and has antibacterial and anti-cancer properties.

In our coffee shop

Rizopoulos Greek coffee has been made in the same way for decades in our traditional roaster, without the addition of preservatives or other chemicals, not only to give the maximum of the flavor but also to preserve to the fullest all the benefits of Greek coffee.

Get a taste and get your Greek coffee here!